ENVIRO-Mat® Soil Stabilization

Paving the way for project efficiency

With a continuously changing climate, varying soil compositions, and more demands on sustainability, stable on-site roads are more important than ever. Heavy Duty Pavement’s soil stabilization method ensures your site can withstand pressure from heavy loads and is an environmentally friendly alternative to traditional load-spreading practices. Our solution is strong enough to remain in place for decades or can be removed and mixed with the existing soil without environmental impact. Our Enviro-Mat® solution results in lead-time reduction  for your project and a more safe environment to work in.

All construction and turnaround projects in heavy industries have in common that heavy equipment needs a solid foundation. The ground must be fortified in many cases to accommodate cranes, transporters, and their accompanying loads. Gravel, wooden mats, concrete slabs, and other materials commonly used for this purpose are heavy and add more weight to the ground, which causes (differential) settlements. These materials must also be transported to and from the site, resulting in additional costs and environmental impact. That’s where HDP’s Enviro-Mat® can provide a more efficient, cost-effective, and sustainable alternative.

HDP’s Enviro-Mat® can increase the ground-bearing capacity of any soil. Mixing the native soil with cement and the Geosta® additive creates a strong yet flexible stabilization that can increase the ground bearing capacity to the required ton/m² or ton/ft². Because the Enviro-Mat® uses the soil on-site, it is faster to install, saving time before lifting and transportation have even commenced. It also requires less transportation and preparatory groundwork while at the same time reducing a project’s carbon footprint. After the project is completed, it can be in place for decades if desired. When the hard surface is no longer needed, the Enviro-Mat® can be easily removed by simply crushing the stabilization.

Several benefits of Enviro-Mat® help enhance project efficiency, safety, and sustainability:

  • Increases the load-bearing capacity up to the required ton/m² or ton/ft²
  • Easy and swift application
  • Durable
  • Water and frost resistant
  • Harmless to the environment
  • Enhanced safety
  • Less prone to cause settlements
  • Easy and fast removal

Enviro-Mat® increases efficiency while simultaneously reducing the carbon footprint

Increases the load bearing capacity up to the required ton/m² or ton/ft²

Enviro-Mat® is installed by mixing the native soil with the Geosta® additive and ordinary Portland cement (OPC) or an equivalent. The mixture is compacted with a roller and sprayed with water to harden it. The result is a strong mat with a high flexural strength that can increase the load bearing capacity to the required ton/m² or ton/ft². Our engineers calculate the suitable layer thickness based on the required load bearing capacity (See HDP’s Ground Bearing Survey).

Swift and efficient installation

Construction of the Enviro-Mat® is considered swift and efficient. The construction speed depends on the required layer thickness, however HDP has proven that constructing 3000-4000m² in a single day is possible using one set of machines.


The Geosta® additive optimizes and maximizes the binding capacity of cement with every kind of soil and granular material, making it more durable than alternatives. The material is strong and durable enough to remain in place for decades or can be removed and mixed with the existing soil without environmental impact.

Water and frost resistant

The enhanced binding also ensures that the Enviro-Mat® has little to no air pockets, making it water-resistant and less susceptible to freeze-thaw damage. The enhanced binding allows the Enviro-Mat® to be used to stabilize soil in harsh climates, where rain or frost can make work challenging.

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Harmless to the environment

The Enviro-Mat® additive (Geosta®) consists of all-natural minerals. The additive ensures that the cement is completely hydrated and dissolved in the stabilization mixture, rendering the mat utterly harmless to the environment. Because Enviro-Mat® partially uses the soil on site, Enviro-Mat® also requires less transportation to and from the site, this way reducing the project’s carbon footprint.

Enhanced safety

Because the Enviro-Mat® is water resistant and provides a clean and solid working area, It increases safety on the work floor. HDP complies with the International safety standards in all projects. Before the start of each project, the Enviro-Mat’s maximum load bearing capacity is independently verified by third-party Survey Companies.

Less prone to cause settlements

The Enviro-Mat’s layer thickness is determined based on the existing ground bearing capacity that is exerted from the Geotechnical Ground Survey Report. Because the Enviro-Mat® stabilizes the existing soil in situ, it increases the load spreading capacity of that soil without adding weight, this way reducing extreme (differential) settlements.

Easy and fast removal

The Enviro-Mat® can easily be removed by crushing the stabilization and mixing it into the soil again or re-using the crushed material on another location. The crushed Enviro-Mat® material does not have a negative impact om the environment. Although this is one of the unique technical features of Enviro-Mat®, it always needs to comply with local legislation.

The engineering behind Enviro-Mat®

The Enviro-Mat® solution has been tried and tested throughout major construction projects. Finite Element studies reveal the differences between a situation with and without an Enviro-Mat. This solution can spread (crane, vehicle etc.) loads evenly to the subsoil, creating a stable and safe working area with reduced settlements.

Without Enviro-Mat® (test area with sand)


With Enviro-Mat® (test area with sand)



Heavy Duty Pavements (HDP) specializes in providing a load case-related Ground Bearing Survey (GBS). In this GBS, we assess the geometry of the project area. After the geotechnical mapping of the area, several possible solutions are calculated to help upgrade the existing bearing capacity up to the required (future) load case-related Ground Bearing Pressure (GBP).

Click here to read more about the GBS

Together with the client, the exact footprint of the load-case(s) will be determined (Load case Analysis). Based on this load case analysis and the Geotechnical Analysis, we can calculate the required thickness of the Enviro-Mat® Stabilization or other technical solutions. Based on these safe technical solutions, you can choose the best solution for your project from both an economical- and environmental perspective. In an, easy-to-read Ground Bearing Survey(GBS) report we present all calculations and possible solutions to your project team.

About Enviro-Mat®

With a continuously changing climate, varying soil compositions, and more demands on sustainability, safe and durable road- and storage area infrastructure is more important than ever. Heavy Duty Pavement’s soil stabilization method ensures your site can withstand the pressures of both dynamic- (heavy haul roads) and static loads (crane hardstands, storage areas) and is an environmentally friendly alternative to traditional load spreading practices.

Our solution is strong enough to remain in place for decades or can be removed and mixed with the existing soil without environmental impact. Our Enviro-Mat® solution results in lead time reduction at the very beginning of your project and a safer area for people to work on.